Our Mission

LIVE THE GREAT DESCRIPTION: Jesus described what kind of people His followers are to be in the world with a metaphor (Matthew 5:13-16). We have adopted this metaphor as the name of our church. Salt is a metaphor for Christian maturity and Light is a metaphor for Christian Mission. Salt + Light Church is radically focused on discipling Christians for Christian maturity and training Christians for Christian mission.

FULFILL THE GREAT COMMISSION: Jesus commanded his followers to make new disciples and make mature disciples (Matthew 28:18-20). We believe that if we live out the great description of the church then we will have opportunity to fulfill this great commission of the church. Salt + Light Church intentionally equips and mobilizes Christians for this great commission work.

OBEY THE GREAT COMMANDMENT: Jesus reminded his followers that everything they do should be motivated by love for God and love for their neighbor (Matthew 22:36-40). In fact, any work done in Jesus’ name without love is worthless (1 Corinthians 13:1-13). Salt + Light Church passionately seeks to cultivate lives that love God and others as the foundation of fulfilling the great commission.

BELIEVE THE GREAT PROMISE: Jesus promised that He will continually build His Church (Matthew 16:18). Salt + Light Church believes He will continually fulfill this promise through church planting focused on living the great description and fulfilling the great commission in the spirit of the great commandment.